Returning Your Seeds

We offer a 14-day return policy for unwanted items, starting from the date of delivery. Returns are only accepted for unopened products. If the seal on the breeder’s packaging has been broken, we will not process a refund.

To ensure a smooth return process, please include your full name, order number, and shipping address along with the seeds. Missing this information could result in significant delays in processing your refund.

If your return is seized or destroyed by customs or a delivery service, we cannot offer a refund or replacement for the products.

Before sending a return, please contact us through our contact form to confirm that your return meets our policy. All returned seeds must be unopened, sealed, and in their original breeder’s packaging. The customer is responsible for the product until it reaches us.

We will work promptly to dispatch replacement items as quickly as possible.

Obtaining a Refund for Your Seeds

Before placing your order, please carefully verify your billing and shipping address details. We cannot replace or refund orders in the case of address errors.

We do not accept responsibility for items confiscated by customs during shipping. It is your responsibility to ensure that you are familiar with the legalities of cannabis seeds in your location, both locally and nationally.

Our refund policy covers only the cost of the products. We will not refund the original shipping costs unless the product has arrived damaged.

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